Thursday, October 17, 2013

Smart Meter Health Complaints 101-200

Since there are so many complaints found online, I thought it good to number them as I post them. 
This will make for much easier reading, allow you to jot down the number(s) of any you wish to pass along to others, and also help you know where you left off reading in order to read more.
About a month after PG&E installed the smartmeters, my husband and I both started  getting headaches, some so severe that sometimes I was getting blurred vision. We both had very loud piercing sounds in our ears. Finally my husband said it sounds like a telephone poll or something buzzing outside all night long.
Last Easter, my sister offered to let us stay with her at the Horse Ranch for 2 weeks. First day the headaches went away, and that loud piercing sound in our ears went away overnight. Our sleep went back to normal. The entire time there, we both felt so refreshed from 3 months of agony.
Not less than 2 days after we came back, it all started up again. Now I was nervous and my heart also started racing all of a sudden at times. From what all heard, it almost resembled an anxiety attack! Just that weekend at the PG&E office was people gathered about the smartmeters. I was curious and decided to listen in.
Well, I was shocked! I just remembered that our smartmeters had been in for 4 months, and two of them were outside our bedroom wall. We immediately decided to switch the bedroom with the living room. In fact, sometimes if my husband leaves the bedroom door open, the whole house becomes infected with that piercing hiss and a pain at the back of your head.  We looked for another apartment without a smartmeter, and found one in Santa Cruz. Since then, the only small hiss I heard of the marvelous ocean waves instead of that nagging piercing sounds.  How on this precious earth can something so monsterous be allowed to continue??????  Posted by Ruth on EMF Safety Network
I’m already electrically sensitive. I immediately feel very sick when I try to use a cell phone (and have for years). I feel dizzy in a home that has WiFi and also in banks, airports and places with a lot of radiation. Given this, I do not want (and will vehemently fight the installation of) a smartmeter. My 34 yr old daughter became immediately ill right after a smartmeter was installed on the house she was living in. Her symptoms were all the ones I’ve read about – strange headaches, pain in the ears, dizziness, heart stress and insomnia. She had to move from this house after a few months as she just couldn’t sleep! I cannot express strongly enough how criminal it feels to me that the CPUC has mandated 24/7 radiation into my home without my approval and without proper research on long term health effects. Why should I have to prove that EMF is harmful to me? The CPUC should have to prove that it’s not harmful. I have never seen such violation of our civil liberties and rights!!!! I demand that I have the right to keep my present analog meter with no additional cost! J. S. Lake County
I am going to take on PG&E starting tomorrow for damaging my health due to the installation of 4 smart meters right outside my bedroom window, and since then my health has been continuously deteriorating. I have insomnia, nightmares, headaches like an ice pick is being jammed in my head, fogginess, blurred vision (and getting worse by the week), tinnitus, and heart palpitations, all of which never existed until the installation of the 4 smart meters last Summer, and gradually getting worse.  I moved my bedroom into the living room, of which reduced the effects by half, but that’s not good enough when something that is killing you is still in your home!    All of my symptoms are documented by my physician, but he said they are vague and cannot be evidenced as produced by smartmeters.   I was a trained Naturopathic Doctor and absolutely know my own body, and every time I leave the house for extended periods of time, all the symptoms miraculously vanish! It has been a 5 month ordeal calling countless times, PG&E, the Smart Meter reps, both of which tell me there is nothing I can do since they claim they cannot remove the smartmeters… PERIOD!  In retaliation, last month I gave them a decision to remove the smart meters in 10 days or I would remove them myself.  A man called me from the Smart meter office and said the moment I remove even one of the meters, the police will be called and I will be put to jail.  So, the only decision they gave me was to sit at home and die. Seriously… I think I have only a few months to live if they leave these meters outside my bedroom window.  I spoke to 2 supervisors from Smart Meter company and both told me there is nothing they can do, and that there was going to be a public hearing about other complaints, but don’t know when, said it’s going to be a while… and couldn’t give me any date as to when I can expect a public hearing on the matter.  Both confirmed to me on the phone that there is no reported adverse affects due to the smartmeters, and started trying to convince my body on how safe they are!  However, because I know all too well here, one supervisor recommended that if I’m not happy where I live that I should just move out!   I can’t afford to move out, and why would I want to if I’m very happy here apart from the damaging health due to the meters. This weekend I have finally had enough!  I decided to take PG&E to court in a lawsuit.  I am in process of locating the attorney as I write this.   I am going tomorrow into the office of PG&E and giving them 10 days to remove the smart meters so it will be recorded on my account since jail or death is my only option at this point! So, my constitutional right to health is being outright violated by ELF Wave poisoning with Big Brother in complete control as someone who is slowly torturing and murdering me! PLEASE HELP, in any way you can, and QUICKLY!  Please help do something about this before I am murdered by the PG&E company!  I feel like my brain is exploding in my head and it’s getting worse by the day!
A.S. Sonoma County
I have read in horror the testimonials on this website. My SM was installed at the end of October 2010. Since that time I have developed tinnitus, which is incredibly irritating, bordering on painful.  The head of my bed was located on the opposite side of the wall on which the SM is located. I have moved my bed to the other side of the room, but I’m scared to death that it will get worse and that I will experience other symptoms, such as cardiac arrhythmia’s, which would be a disaster as there is a history of an inherited disease, Hypertrophhic Cardiomyopathy, in my family and my sister died of Sudden Cardiac Arrest last year, a common cause of death when you have this disease.  I called PG&E in panic, but they are all inculcated with the corporate line that there is no research to support the claims of health problems. If this is true, why are so many of the people writing these testimonials talking about developing tinnitus?  Where is the point organization that can fight this monster?  Margery Entwisle Mill Valley, CA
Smart Meters were installed in my neighborhood on April 15, 2011. Since then I have had constant ringing in my ears. Smart Meters violate my constitutional right to be safe and secure in my home, 4th Amendment. Smart Meters violate my privacy and my health. This is a KILLER and you know it. S.B. Orange County CA
I’ve had the Smart Meter installed in my home several years ago. I am now wondering if the Smart Meter was the cause of my sudden onset chronic headaches and dizziness, vertigo, that has left me about 25% functional to this day. G.T. Sacramento
I am VERY ill from the Smart Meters! And I am just putting together all the ways this equipment is ruining my health. This needs to stop NOW!  W.T. San Mateo County
I am (was) a very healthy individual, and have all the past medical information to prove it. In the last year I have been suffering illness that I feel is direclty related to the Smart Meter on my home. The electromagnetic currents are so strong I can feel them and hear them in my home. I now wake with headahces, I have dizzy spells, I’m getting skin rashes and more. I have repeatedly placed complaints with the CPUC and PG&E, to no avail. I have no alternative but to move to a house outside of the PG &E territory. Removing my meter alone won’t solve the problem. My house is at the hub, the terminal, for the neighborhood distrubution and the adjacent neighbor’s meters are on my side of their houses, putting me in direct line of currect for three homes. I want these things removed so I can resume my life, which is on hold. C.L. Yolo County
As an older adult who has been treated with radiation for lymphoma I am opposed to “smart” meters. I also cannot afford an expensive opt out plan. In fact I believe it is discriminatory to impose such fees on people who have legitimate health concerns. B.R. Marin County
Since December I have been experiencing a terrible condition called Tinnitus. I hear sound in my head 24/7 which at times has left me unable to work or sleep and coincides with the installation of new smart meters on my home. Tinnitus is something I would never wish on anyone, it can drive one crazy. it has affected my work and my life. I want my life back. I demand more research done on health impacts of smart meters before installing them on anyone elses home! H.K. Alameda
Yes, I got big headaches, depress, and weak every night until early morning  on my bed near smart meter. I can’ think straight out because of smart meter. I don’t feel like to eat because of sick every day.  I went to Los Angeles, CA for visiting my sister and feel clear up my mind and restore my heath but I have to go back to my home and come back to sick again.  Donna Avent, Taft, CA (Kern County)
Though I never was electrically sensitive before, an extreme exposure to Electro Magnetic Frequencies (EMFs) from just one of PG&E’s digital SmartMeters, (from 10/31/09 to 3/3/10), left me as an electrically sensitive person. Along the way, the experience of dealing with PG&E to take the SmartMeter out was truly creepy. Now, a year after the SmartMeter was removed, 30% of the symptoms still rule my life.
Here is the sequence of events: In early December 2009, I began experiencing nights of fitful sleeplessness. I soon had less and less energy in the day time. I began having localized headaches and worried why I was constantly a bit dizzy. In January the dizziness became worse and I began feeling very oddly ‘spaced out’. I began having strange strong cramps in my legs at night that woke me up. My eyes were constantly extremely itchy and incredibly light sensitive, often with strong pains in my right eye. My normal mild tinnitus was far far worse. Also my familiar chest pressure and pains were far more pronounced and far more often. I had no idea these things were related. At first I just felt guilty I had allowed myself to get so out-of-shape that I could not find a solution to the horrible insomnia. By January I had such serious memory problems I often could not remember what I was doing from one minute to the next. I would find myself standing still, staring into space, and vaguely realizing that something must be wrong with me. By February, when speaking, hard as I tried, I could not remember the most common words, and was spelling words phonetically. Also, the stutter I had as a child began to return.
By the end of February I realized I was becoming more and more dizzy as the days went by. One day I was so dizzy, I literally could not walk and was actually staggering. Also, by then, I frequently saw in the mirror that my face was Bright Bright Red. And since I had no feeling of being hot, I finally knew something was really very wrong and that the cause was not insomnia. But I had absolutely no idea what the cause could be. It is only because of two purely chance incidents that I discovered the cause was just one SmartMeter seven feet below my bed.
In January and again in February a friend using my garage as a theater rehearsal space, twice came upstairs to the apartment to tell me that as a person who rarely got headaches, he could not figure out why lately whenever he was in the garage he would get horrific headaches. But, as it turns out, he had been sitting and standing about ten feet from the SmartMeter.
Through this whole experience, there were two ambulance trips to the emergency room for racing heart. Both times at the onset I was in no stress whatever. When the pills that are supposed to slow the heart rate down did not work, I had no choice but to call an ambulance. Both times, at the hospital, my heart checked out just fine. The first time was before the SmartMeter was taken out. The second ambulance trip to the ER was one morning 6 weeks after the SmartMeter was taken out. I had been sitting for a few hours at my desk 25 feet from a power pole. This was the day I realized that even though the SmartMeter had been taken out, it had left me as an electrically sensitive person and I could no longer use that office or enjoy that roof garden as I had for the past 30 years.
For this whole past year since the SmartMeter was taken out, I have had to completely interrupt my cultural-exchange business and personal life to only focus on finding ways to shield myself from EMFs. Every day is a fight. It is serious stress. I am on constant overwhelm. Lately the symptoms are worse again. The strange leg muscle cramps are waking me up again at night. In this past year I have lost half of my hair. The tinnitus is worse and worse in just the last few weeks. There are fewer and fewer places I can go, out of the house, to avoid EMFs that do not make the Tinnitus worse. I worry a lot about cancer and the health of my neighbor’s children. And I know there is no where to escape to. Maya Cain,  SF CA
I have developed nodules on my thyroid , dizzy spells, difficulty swallowing, and petite seizures, since the smart meters were put in. I have never in my life had anything like this, and I am so upset. I have always been in good health. I am looking for some help, on how to save my life.L. M. Pacifica CA
Since the December 4, 2010 installation of PGE Smart Meter in my apartment building, I have been a Smart Meter refugee. December 30th I fled my apartment with severe symptoms and only the clothes on my back to Marin General ER. After 3 months, even though I have been with friends (11 moves), I am now homeless.  To date, I have exhausted: the landlord, Legal Aid, Fair Housing, District Attorney, Sacramento, trying to get an atty, Marin Housing Authority, many, many of my doctors, Jared Huffman/Supervisor’s office, Health Dept., Environmental Dept., and still cannot get any help. I have forwarded the recent March CPUC document with “opt-out option” to my landlord, and she still does not think there is a “problem”on the property. Cannot move out b/c of symptoms when on property, cannot pay 3 months rent to transition out, and exhausted and depressed from this battle w/o any disability rights protecting me.
Like many with the symptoms, I am on my last and giving up… exhausted from trying to get help, afraid of my health, depressed, crying all the time, difficult to work, cannot get the proper sleep…I Don’t know how much more I can tolerate w/o major support.  All I want is my life back. ZEENA QUINN,  Marin
This past year I have become electro-sensitive due to the many wireless communication bands in the air. I cannot even go into coffee shops anymore without getting ‘burned’, a feeling of intense sunburn. This is one of the many symptoms I now suffer. Recently, my wife has been getting intense headaches for no apparent reason. I myself have recently suffered symptoms of a heart attack. I had to go through extensive testing that hit hard financially. We just discovered that the smart meter had been installed here without our permission, which coincided with our physical problems. We are so upset about this that we are now considering legal options, at the very least to cover the cost of our medical expenses .KB, San Mateo County
I woke up this morning to a SMUD employee knocking on my door letting me know they were installing smart meters in the neighborhood he replaced my old meter and went on his way. After he left I noticed my scalp tingling and it just wouldn’t stop the unit was place on my wall outside my Kitchen I was sitting in the living room most of the morning. Not only did my scalp tingle but I felt a little dizzy. I left and went on a bike ride and felt fine as soon as I got back I felt dizzy again and my scalp started tingling again. These were both abnormal I never feel dizzy and my scalp rarely tingles. I called SMUD and asked them to take the meter off the guy still has the old equipment and is right down the street I passed by him on my way back from the bike ride through much resistance they agreed to call him and have him put back in the old meter. Within minutes after him leaving with the old meter installed again my head stopped tingling and I no longer felt dizzy. This is proof enough for me there’s something wrong with those things. If there is any way I can help in signing some sort of petition or something I will. Please let me know this is a complete home invasion where can you go to relax and feel comfortable if you can’t go home to do that. S.L. Sacramento CA
About two months ago, after sitting in my living room for several hours, I took my pulse; it was wildly irregular, skipping a beat every 3-7 beats. My pulse had never done that before. I then took my pulse in a number of places inside and away from my house. My living room is basically the only place my pulse skips beats. The irregularities occasionally occurred in a milder form in the dining room, which is at one end of the living room. When my daughter was visiting, we sat in the living room for 20 or 30 minutes, then took our pulses. Both our pulses skipped a beat after 10 to 11 beats. Why was my heart pumping irregularly only in my living room? At some point I remembered that a SmartMeter had been installed a few months earlier on the outside of my living room wall, directly behind my sofa.  From what I have read, an irregular heartbeat can be dangerous. I told PG&;E about my experience, but they refused to remove my SmartMeter, so now I don’t go in my living room.  A.H. Monterey County
The following letter is from a prominent doctor in Napa:
“I have a patient who is being injured from the SmartMeter. She has a history of Cardiomyopathy from infection and was doing well until the SmartMeter went in last fall. She is now back in Atrial Fibrillation and needs meds she does not tolerate well. It is all a result of the extra EMF. I will send you copies of articles about how EMF effects patient’s heart rate. Is there are special complaint form I could send off to the SmartMeter company that you use? I was going to dictate something for my patient and reference the EMF and heart rate issue”.
They installed our Smart Meter about 3 months ago and I have been extremely sick from the day it was installed. My husband who never has headaches, now has one 24 hrs. a day. I have been extremely sensitive to RF/EMF since 2005 when a neighbor had 2 Sprint cell towers installed next door and we were forced to sell and move.
We are trying to move now, but you have put Smart Meters on every house that might work for me. How come you don’t have a contingency plan for RF sensitive people? You have made my life a living hell and won’t even give me an option to have my old meter reinstalled even with a Drs. note saying how sick I am. J.M. Riverside
URGENT!! HEART CONDITION- SMART METERS MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY!!! A bank of Smart Meters, that emit radiation 24 hours a day, were installed on the wall of my home, and I have been severely affected with heart palpitations, non-stop ringing in the ears, shortness of breath, insomnia, and sleep interruption, and more. I posted signs not to install smart meters, which is a legal action, but PGE/Wellington Energy illegally trespassed and ignored the signs.
I have a heart condition, and am EMF sensitive, and yet despite many very futile calls to PG &E, they have not removed the meters, nor have they replaced them with the non-wireless analog meters that have worked perfectly for decades. I have been an excellent ratepayer for decades, I am low-income and cannot afford to move. This is unjust discrimination, and gross negligence not to allow an “opt-out” of any kind. And even worse, with PG & E being fully aware that I have a heart condition, they have added more smart meters on the wall of my home, and they are threatening to add double the meters to my home in the next days, or weeks. How can a utility demand that our health, and the health of our families, and pets be exposed to 24 hour radiation, with no ability to say “NO”?   Anon, Sonoma
For the past few months, I’ve been having more problems than ever, including difficulty sleeping, fatigue, headaches, and a level of ‘brain fog’ that I have never experienced previously. I did not correlate this to SmartMeters, because I had heard that our unincorporated Sleepy Hollow area of Marin was going to be among the last areas to get SmartMeters installed. Recently, I called the PG&E hotline to be placed on their Do Not Install list, which the courteous rep did. I then went outside to look at my meter, which I had NOT done since August. To my shock, a Smartmeter had ALREADY been installed. ***(No notice was given after the fact, either.)
I called PG&E back, and another rep told me, “It’s not hooked up.” I called back again, got another rep who told me, “Oh yes it is. It’s been hooked up for months!****I don’t know why the other rep said it wasn’t.” He also told me it ‘only transmits in the dead of night for about 40 seconds.” Both reps confirmed that our conversation was being recorded. I would suggest to anyone who calls the PG&E hotline to record the conversation themselves as well. I wish I had!
*** My health issues correlate directly with the date that the SmartMeter was installed on my property.
I pointed out to him that this contradicted PG&E’s rationale for continuous monitoring. Then I hung up. I have since spoken with several neighbors, who also received PG&E’s ‘notice to install’ two weeks ago, yet they, too, discovered that SmarMeters were ALREADY installed on their property. That’s either incompetence in coordinating installation schedulings and mailings, or intentional deception.  Steven Halpern, Marin County
I am extremely sensitive to EMF and RF signals since 2005 when a neighbor had 2 cell towers installed about 400′ from our home. We moved from that house and I got better as long as I am not in any contact with any signals. Then we got our SM installed about 9 weeks ago and I have been extremely ill every since. My husband has sent letters to all of SCE mangement and the CPUC and they all ignored us. He finally got an SCE EMF engineer to reply back and they sent out 2 EMF “specialists” to measure the signals twice, and both times they said our SM meter was OK. My husband has his own meter and showed the specialists that the meter is showing dangereous spiking every 15 seconds. SCE’s meter did not show the spikes. My huband got the made and model number of their meters and talked to the company that makes them… apparently the meters they use only averge the signals and the 15 second spikes do not show up, so of course they are telling every body that complains they are within the “approved” range. My husband also measured their cell phones and the smart meter signals were about 5 times stronger then their cell phones. We have covered our meter with Heavy duty aluminum foil and a thick metal bucket. We have also lined our garage with it. It does cut our signal a little, but we still have all the other neighbor’s signals blasting towards our house. The SM’s use a repeater signal that sends the signals from one meter to the next.. they constantly “talk” to each other all day long and send data the same way. It’s so bad in our neighborhood that I can’t take our dog out for walks anymore. I feel it as soon as I walk out the front door. Jana, anon
Two weeks ago they installed smart meters on our row of townhouses.  A few days later i felt dizzy; this changed to heart beat very strong – occasional racing – and now ringing in ears and pressure in chest as well. Dizziness subsided but have been waking up at 4 am and can’
t get back to sleep.  There are also about 20 meters about 75 feet from my house; i look at them in a line of sight.
I seem to have been way more affected when they actually installed them in our block of 7 townhomes even though i am slightly further away from this meter box collection. it’s like it comes in through the wires.
Those other ones were installed in Nov. or Oct. and i remember feeling nausea and more migraines from those. A few times a day we get this awful screeching too. I have been in a panic wondering where I can move?  if it’s gov’t mandated then does it matter if we complain?
I also heard that PGandE could have installed all kinds of meters like cabled ones instead.
I never knew anything about smart meters until it happened to me. where can we go to escape, this is so scary.  Anon
I have six smart meters right outside my bedroom and kitchen since they were put in i have been having headache’s ringing in my ears and nausea. i know it’s due to the radiation but it’s hard to get people to believe me is there any help out there? i would welcome any advice or if anyone is going throu this please contact me. my together we could fight pg&e and have these things removed before they cause permante damage to me & my children or to anyone else…. Daniel G, unknown
Smart meters were installed at my house about a year ago and soon after I experienced ringing/buzzing in my ears that keeps me awake at night. I thought my clock radio was on so turned everything off (including computer, vcr…etc) but still heard the noise. Remembered the smart meter install and now see many other people with the same symptoms. More recently my ears have a burning sensation. Is there any way to block the transmission into the house? I feel like the inside of my head is hot.  Thank you for the site. How can this experiment be legal? E. C. CA
Since I had the SmartMeter placed on my home (master bedroom wall by headboard of my bed) by SDG&E about 3-4 months ago, I have developed increasingly severe reactions to EMF (electromagnetic fields). I have constant ringing in my ears, getting louder and very distracting; headache, sinus pain, feeling of heaviness in chest, disorientation, mental confusion, difficulty concentrating and with calculation and driving, nausea, and very hard to use computer, phones, etc. Can’t sleep well, insomnia, though improved with change of bedroom. My doctor wrote a letter demanding under the ADA that SDG&E remove the SmartMeter, the reply was that SM’s don’t impact health,and that my doctor is wrong that the ADA covers this, and they essentially refuse to remove the SM. Needless to say, I am shocked, horrified, and will take further steps. This is an example of Big Brother in our lives worse than anything I have seen in America in 60 years. They can harm and kill us legally now, in our own country. S.B. San Diego
Since the “smart” meter installation I’ve been suffering from headaches, losing sleep, and hearing high pitched ringing from time to time.  I’ve already called PG&E to complain and requested they remove the meters…they said someone from their “smart” meter escalation department will be contacting me soon. Would appreciate any suggestions or advice you may have on how to get them off my home. I am very sensitive to RF signals. (Two weeks later…) PG&E is still refusing to remove my “smart” meter even though It makes me ill. I will be forced to sell my home and move if wireless smart aren’t removed from my home and neighborhood. PG&E may have an easement to put a meter on my home…but a meter on my home that shoots RF in to my home and in to me, my partner and my child’s bodies? As a Realtor it seems to me like that should be overstepping the limits of their easement. M.H. Humboldt County CA
“One month ago I moved into a house that has a smart meter installed on the same side of the house as my bedroom. I have been having sleep problems including insomnia, nightmares and restless sleep. I am epileptic and sleep deprivation is very dangerous for me. I have also been experiencing unexplained anxiety and irritability. I live in Oakland. I’m also having strange interference on my phone line.”
(Update) ” I have now been living with a smart meter for nearly 4 months. My sleep has deteriorated. I often only get 4-5 hours which is a serious threat to my health as an epileptic. My request to have the meter removed has been denied. I cannot afford to move, and anywhere I move to in this area will likely have the same problems. Past seizures have caused me to suffer brain injuries, and many neurologists believe that seizures cause permanent damage to the brain. PG&E is putting me at risk of major injury and even death, since seizures can be fatal”
.A.L.M. Alameda County CA
I am disabled from a spinal injury and neurological damage from a severe case of Encephalitis. I moved into a small apt attached to my Mother’s house three months ago. Both my mother and her husband are also disabled. We all have serious health problems. They were not aware a smart meter was installed a year ago, right behind my bedroom wall. Everyone in the house has been having similar issues since it was installed, exhaustion, stomach issues, ear aches, ringing the ears, dizziness and skin issues. My health issues are complicated already and I cannot move again. I want to know what I can do to get this thing removed. Nobody asked, they just did it. I have signed petitions, I have written letters. What else can I do? My Mom has had 22 surgeries, Cancer, RSD, Interstitial Cystitis and much more. Just the fear that it may be adding to our health problems is unhealthy. She grew up under power poles and has always believed that played a role in her health issues. Although she knows now, I was afraid to even tell her it was there.
I believe we as humans have not had time to adapt to the barge EMF from such devices and we need choices and a voice in the decision processes when it comes to technology such as Smart Meters. There are also privacy and other issues at play here that make me very much against Smart Meters.
T.R. Aptos CA
“I have been in the ER overnight three times this week, with unexplained sickness. I have had a CT Scan of the brain, Stress Test, CTA, EKGs, Ultra Sounds, Blood work and still no definite answer. We recently had a Smart Meter installed and these symptoms began about a week after: Extreme Stress, diagnosed TIAs, dizziness, headaches, nausea and fainting. I mentioned this to a doctor and he suggested that the Smart Meters may have something to do with it because the hospital has had quite a rise in illness of this kind reporting to the ER. “J.W. (anon)
My family lives very simply, we do not own a tv, do not have a computer in our home or microwave and do not use cell phones at home, we keep them in the car for emergency only. We also watch our energy usage and do not keep appliances plugged in. Within days after our smart meter was installed I experienced a very painful miscarriage. After the miscarriage I started experiencing mysterious pain throughout my body that could not be explained. My two children who are diagnosed autistic regressed in their autism after much work with behavioral therapy and other interventions. I sadly watched my father’s health decline since last fall he became very fatigued and weak and unexpectedly passed away in October 2010 of a heart arrhythmia. I believe the smart meter played a role in his health because he was very healthy until it was installed on their house last fall. T.M. Anon
I was unaware that a smart meter has been on our home for over 18 months, until I called to be on the delay list only to be told that I had a smart meter installed in 2009. I never got a knock on the door or a notice of installation, but during that time I had a series of strange health issues including a pressure in my ears for which I went to two doctors, irritability, insomnia, and general nervousness and extreme debilitating fatigue. I am not saying my health was perfect before, but I never had the consistent excitement which I thought was overdose of computer use, even when I used my computer at home for work sometimes 10 hours a day. Now, I hear a buzzing and feel hyper and we have discontinued our use of wireless internet and installed a land phone line so we minimize use of our cell phones as well. We no longer have wireless Internet, but so many of our neighbors do, that we feel like we live in a hyper anxious space. We are moving soon because I survived cancer, I want to stay healthy, and I feel better away from these wireless smart meters and other forms of EMF and RF. We moved to a neighborhood in a forest in West Marin that didn’t have Smart Meters. Less than a week after we closed on our home, the Wellington truck was at the bottom of my driveway, installing smart meters on this rural road in the forest trailhead. We did not get a smart meter because I put us on the delay list for this home, and told the installer not to install. I also had a No Smart Meter Sign. M. G-K Marin County CA
” My husband has brain cancer attributed to the radiation from his cell phone. Shortly after installation of the smart meters on our home I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. I never had the symptoms prior to the installation of the smart meters- fatigue, depression, joint pain, heart racing, and weight gain. I also suffer from atypical trigeminal neuralgia- a very painful nerve disease in the face that causes electrical jolts within my face and head. It worsened with the smart meters.
Denise Alexander of PG&E did have my meters removed when I notified her of my husband’s illness. I never mentioned my problems as his alone are reason enough to not be subjected involuntarily to the very thing that is killing him.  Shortly after the removal of the meters I received a hand signed letter from Mr. Devereaux that the meters will be going back on. I just received a recorded call from PG&E stated they will be here to put them back on within 30 days.  I cannot and will not allow this to happen.” E. M. Contra Costa County CA
“I purchased a condo in Rocklin CA. I have probably 20 smart meters in the room next to my bedroom (the electrical room wall). My 2 daughters and I all have headaches and there is a buzzing sound. One of my daughters is constantly fatigued. How do I prove that the smart meters are causing these symptoms? ” D.O. Rocklin, CA
“I have been having headaches, heart palpitations, horrible ringing in my ears, dizziness and some nausea, and a burning of my facial skin for 8 months, since PG&E installed a Smart Meter at my house. These symptoms began gradually in the first weeks after the Smart Meter was installed and have increased in intensity over the months. For the two weeks I was in New Zealand in October, the problems lessened or disappeared completely . Home again and it all started again. I want this Smart Meter taken off of my home. I am sick because of it!!!” L.H. Sonoma County
Smart Meter destroying my sleep.  Since the Smart Meter was put in my home, I have not had been able to sleep through the night. The Smart meter was installed just a foot from the head of our bed (on the outside of our bedroom wall). Before it was installed, I could easily sleep through the night. Bill Beckham Fresno, CA
We recently had our smart meters installed, three of which our on our wall, for the three units on our lot. I have a super healthy routine and was drastically improving my health and wellness. I am Vegan, non smoker, non drinker, I record all of my food intake, exercise avidly and slept regularly from 10 pm until 7am. I began to get unexplainable huge rashes on my face. My doctor freaked out and couldn’t believe the photos and ordered labs immediately, he was sure I had Lupus or Rheumatory Athritis. He sent me to a Rheumatologist ASAP, It then started with the aches and pains, the super dry lips and a loud squealing in my right ear. Even my teeth hurt. Then the buzzing sound intermittently mixes with the high pitch squealing noise in my ear, followed by extreme exhaustion or fatigue in random parts of the day or evening, to where I couldn’t even stand. The headaches make me feel like I want to die. I can’t sleep until 5 or 6 am and pop back up at 7 am. I am nauseas, and my ear in is extreme pain. I have feelings as if the ground or furniture is moving or being bumped. I get dizzy and have problems orientating myself when I go from standing to sitting or vice versa. My 1200 calorie diet that I record every meal has turned into a 300 calorie diet because I’m too sick to eat. I am having to drink meal replacements because the more I cook in the kitchen the worse I get. My husband complained of feeling sick, back pain, headaches and an electric-like pulse or shock-like feeling that darts up his body through his brain. When it happens he jumps. It has happened three times now. The downstair neighbor moved because of her sudden onset of symptoms that began at the same time. Our DVD player now cannot reach a signal on the TV (says no signal) despite the player actually being a part of the TV, all in one piece. My eyes burn and weep full of tears with a mental cloud I can’t shake. My stomach turns upside down it feels and  I feel a burning sensation on parts of my body. I have missed about 80% of my work schedule and am rapidly deteriorating. I just kept saying, “something is wrong with the air.”  I didn’t know what exactly I meant, it was just a feeling I had. Then someone else said the same thing out of the blue. Then the other evening, I couldn’t walk. I was crying profusely from the pain and symptoms. Everyday its worse….I am going to request mine be removed but the neighbors still have them, still posing a threat since they’re everywhere around us. …These meters not only quadrupled our electric bill but also my health that I’ve worked so hard to achieve came to a complete halt, the same exact day as the meters were installed and everyday since then. … This isn’t fair. I don’t want a smart meter. We weren’t surveyed our asked. We never got informed until the knock on the door saying “SDGE, were here to install your smart meter.” Then we were handed a little piece of paper which didn’t disclose much. Now we have a super high electric bill that is way to much for our tiny two bedroom beach apartment and a super ill husband and wife who were otherwise healthy and active until the day of the meter installation.  Amy Evans San Diego CA  28 yrs old
Last year I lived in Livermore CA. The meters were changed in Livermore last year. It wasn’t until I just saw a news story where I have now put 2 and 2 together. Starting in Oct. 09 I have been experiencing terrible ringing in the ears. A hi-pitch hissing/buzzing noise. It’s been driving me crazy. I have been to so many doctors since trying to find out what is causing this terrible problem. Doctors cannot find anything wrong. But what I have noticed is this, when I have traveled away from the city to the mountain such as to go camping, the hissing and buzzing go away. But as soon as I get back home the noise starts back up again. NR Tracy CA
I live in San Diego in a small apartment building with 3 apartments. SDGE installed 3 Smart Meters on 9/29/10 and I have been sick as a dog ever since, even to the point of missing work. The Meters are located below my apartment, just below my bathroom wall (I am on the second floor). Using my Entech Meter I tested the outlet in my bathroom and the signal was so distorted I could pick up a radio signal! My Gauss Meter also picked up Hot Spots that never existed before.
I suffered from severe joint pains on the day it was installed to the point where I couldn’t move my wrist without agonizing pain. I have been in pain ever since and also got a very bad cold. I also developed an odd problem called Phantosmia, in which you can smell something that isn’t there (in my case cigarette smoke which I am allergic to). I am EMF sensitive but I have never felt as ill as I do now. I was completely functioning before, whereas after these Meters were installed I just feel awful all the time.  S.G. San Diego CA
Last week our power company in NE Arizona put a new digital meter on our house.  The meter was supposed to remain in a silent mode and not transmit unless someone sent a signal to it from the highway to activate it and get the reading.
Over the next 6 hours I gradually got very sick from the meter. The symptoms were a vise grip headache, nervousness, horrible brain fog (after 3 days I was unable to complete a sentence), total insomnia, stomach rolling and nausea. The meter seemed to run in on the current and I began to have reactions to my electric stove and other electrical appliances that I had not been bothered by before.
After a couple of plea’s from my husband, the power company made a decision to return our meter to analog. I had immediate relief in some symptoms, but others took several hours to go away. Due to a weekend and Monday holiday, it took a week to get the meter removed. I was so sick by then I was worried it would leave me highly sensitive to emf’s. After 24 hours I seemed to be ok, however. These meters are not safe! Anonymous in Arizona
In July 2010, SDG&E installed Smart Meters in my condo complex. I own a townhouse that is situated in clusters: 8 units per cluster. Therefore 16 Smart Meters were installed in the utilites shed outside my kitchen/bedroom walls, ten feet away.
I began having symptoms of head burning and pressure on my chest within a few days. As time progressed the symtoms worsened. I had severe burning in my head and headaches of a new type. I starting having palpitations, arrythmias and flutter. I called SDG& E. Three people including an engineer and the director of the Smart Meter program came to my home, spent an hour talking and photgraphing the meters. They took no measurements of the radiation, though they said they would on the phone. The next day SDG&E informed me that they would not be replacing the meters with the analogue meters. They assured me that they are concerned about people’s health.
By six weeks in, my cardiac symptoms were so severe and erratic that I had to move out. I rented an apartment, which turned out to be unsafe as well. The Smart Meters are everywhere. With the intensification of my symptoms, I have become EMF/RF sensitive and now have the above problems around cell towers, Wi-Fi and other sources, accompanied by skin rashes and burning.
I am being evaluated by a cardiologist. I have always had a strong, healthy heart, even told so by doctors. The cardiologist has sent me for an evaluation by a neurologist as well.
Five people have reported symptoms in my home: My father has experienced headaches and visual migraines. My mother reported having pressure on the upper part of her chest and palpitations. One neighbor exposed to these 16 cluster meters is experiencing headaches and chest tightness. Another neighbor has difficulty opening her eyes in the mornings after 8 hours by the meters. Her ophthalmologist could find no explanation. She said she uses her fingers to open her lids. All of the above symptoms have occurred since the smart meter installations. The symptoms are worsening for everyone.
I am running scared living this nightmare. I don’t know where to live and fear for my well-being. I already have a prior immune disability and I thought I would be legally protected by the ADA. I don’t know where it is safe for me to live. In addition, the financial impact of this disaster compounds. I pay my monthly mortgage and rented a place, which due to symptoms, I cannot stay in. I am not sure that I can rent or sell my condo in good conscience. I am seeking medical care including treatments not covered by any insurance. My out of pocket costs continue to grow.
R.H., San Diego CA
We live in Berkeley and recently had a smart meter installed without our knowledge. Since that time, my husband and I have been having increasingly painful headaches around our ears, along with other symptoms. My father, who has Parkinson’s and a Deep Brain Stimulator with two leads, also lives with us. I also have a two year old and a five month old. My two year old is no longer sleeping well and is waking up all night. We strongly feel that the smart meter is unhealthy for our family and want to get it removed. (Anon, Alameda County CA)
Since the meters were installed, I am experiencing continuous severe ringing in my ears in my home, which does not happen when I am at work in Marin in an area where the smart meter have not been installed. Family members are also experiencing headaches and one family member, who did not know the smart meters had been installed was working unloading boxes for 1/2 an hour about 5 or 6 feet form the meters. He became very dizzy, had very rapid heart beat and lost consciousness and fell. We are very concerned about the short term and long term effect of the smart meters. We are in the process of trying to move to Fairfax hoping they will be able to keep the smart meters out. As PG&E has refused to move them we were forced into selling our house. This seems extremely unfair. (Anon. SF Bay Area)
“ I am chemically and electrically sensitive but have gotten much better.  I am finding that since they installed our smart meter, I am getting unexplained exzema and rash.  I have tried to heal leaky gut and all the things you do to stop it and am still struggling with it.  I know that I can’t use a cell phone unless it’s on speaker phone, and then only a second.  I get very ill with continued wi fi exposure.  I wanted to ask you if you know how much radiation these smart meters are putting out.  I am really pissed about this, I rent and don’t own so I feel stuck. ” (Anon, Alameda County)
After the installation, I started hearing high-pitched frequencies that lasted about 20 seconds…
I called PG&E and told the lady there about hearing high-pitched noises in my house. It’s not coming from a specific appliance but rather I’d hear it for 20 seconds or so (kind of like those hearing tests when we were kids) and then it would go away. I heard it in the kitchen, the dining room, and my bedroom. The PG&E rep had never heard of anything like this and forwarded me to the Smartmeter Division. (Anon, Berkeley CA)
This meter was eventually removed.
Since the new meter start-up a few weeks ago … Family members’ new or exacerbated symptoms have coincided with the meter start-up. Myself, I hear … high-pitched buzzing now within our house, absent before.  I often go to the clock to check the timing of the microwave hearing, and it most often corresponds exactly to the minutes when our microwave meter picked up the signal, so I have no doubt about the source of this brain penetration.  I know of another EHS-er who apparently has a urinary bladder reflex activated by the meters.  Note that the frequency range is long known to be among the best for brain penetration. (Anon, Canada)
If you are wondering why you have a nagging headache, insomnia, fatigue, etc.–start doing your research on PG&E’s Smart Meters… I have a relay Node on the telephone pole in font of my house [installed May 2010] and the 4 people who now live here have the subject symptoms.
Gas meter installation was installed in our property on 3/18.  The Smart Meter was causing us headaches, achy/watery eyes and loss of sleep; effectively blocking out half of our house.  We called PG&E on 3/19 and meter was removed on 3/20.  However, because of neighborhood deployment of Smart Meters, we are getting constant light headaches since then, even after the removal of the meters from our property.  .. We consider this unnecessary bombardment with radiation an invasion of privacy, disturbance of domestic peace, and potentially a health hazard.
At the initial call on 3/19, PG&E agreed on the removal of the meter, which occurred on 3/20.  On 3/27 we received a letter notifying us (again), of a pending Smart Meter install. We called PG&E on the same day, where we were informed that Smart Meter installation is eventually unavoidable per PUC mandate.  They also mentioned that research was done and proved that Smart Meter did not cause problems.  In our mind, this research should be void and not provide sufficient proof, since we are a living proof that Smart Meter is causing us problems.
I should add that I’ve been also been sensitive to other devices, such as bluetooth headsets and WiFi.  We don’t have WiFi at home, and no bluetooth, of course. In the case of WiFi or similar, I consider this as voluntary exposure.  In the case of the SmartMeters, it is non-voluntary exposure.  Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t go outside and turn off the meter. ..  Putting corporate greed on top of public health is an outrageous disregard for society. (G.K. Santa Clara County CA)
I choose not to have a cell phone, computer, or use other wireless devices in my home. I’m not interested in having “smart” appliances there either. I avoid exposure to cell phone towers and public places that are “hot spots” for wireless use. This is because I experience headaches, a sensation of pressure in my head, increased heart rate, a sensation of dizziness, and other disturbing symptoms when I am around wireless frequency emissions. Regardless of what others may think, the symptoms are experienced by me, and I DO NOT want to have any wireless devices ON my home, where I cannot get away from them. I have owned this home for 25 years, and plan to stay there. I demand an opt-out option, and refuse to have a Smart Meter on my home.
My husband has had an intense electrical/EMF sensitivity for the past 10 years. It has obviously had a great impact on our family. He had to quit his job a few years ago because of the work environment, and as new cell antennas and towers have gone up, we’ve often worried that we’d have to move. So far, we’ve managed to be able to stay in the Bay Area where we’ve lived our entire lives.
Installation of Smart meters began on our block two days ago. We declined, as did many people on our block, but our immediate neighbors both accepted (one of them did so only because he felt it was inevitable even though he was opposed). Since installation, our baby monitor (that we keep in a remote corner of the house) regularly becomes staticy to the point of  not functioning, so clearly the microwave radiation is interfering. My husband has developed the same symptoms that he feels when he is near things like cell towers and speed limit monitors (intense pressure in his head and a headache, and agitation), symptoms he feels before he even sees the offending source. And I’ve been feeling nauseous and agitated with tension in my head, which honestly could very well be from anxiety.
We need to convince PG and E that we can never have a Smart meter installed on our property. And, we NEED to have our neighbors go back to the old kind of meter if we are to able to stay living here. (Anon, Alameda County CA)
..What is happening in America is happening in my state of Queensland.
We had solar panels put onto the roof of our home, and then the power company came along and installed smart metres in our mains power box. There are three mains power boxes, so therefore there are three smart metres transmitting 24/7. My health has deterioated so much, that I feel that I can’t last.
Our state government has just gone ahead and made it mandatory even though the first state to install them, Victoria, is now finding real serious problems.
All I know is that we have 120 units in our complex, which means in a four acre block we have 120 smart metres. I have also found that the radiation from these smart metres are also being piggybacked into our home via the electrical wiring and causing further torment. (Australia)
She came home the other day and instantly became very sick:   Migraine, heart palpitations, dizziness, depression, nausea, vomiting, intense thirst, parched lips, neuropathy, teeth pressure and buzzing, etc.  Her husband had recently done some electric work on the house and went out to check to see if he wired something the wrong way.  He came back in and reported that a Smart Meter had been installed by PGE.  She called PGE and reported her symptoms, demanded they remove it, and replace w old meter, which they did. She’s feeling better after the removal and replacement of old meter.” (Anon, SF CA)
“I highly suspect the smart meters as being the cause behind my sudden menstrual irregularity…In early December, a guy knocks on our door saying they’re putting a new meter on our home and they’re turning off the power – Meanwhile starting in December  - I had been having more headaches and difficulty staying on the computer for very long because of them – I thinking to myself, “what is causing this???”
A light bulb goes on finally – I make the connection, it all makes sense now – meters = headaches?
About the time I figure out what is causing the headaches is about the time my period decides to make it’s second appearance this month. …Then I start monitoring my blood pressure for whatever reason, only to find that it has gone up – from usually 125/82 to now reading 148/95″  (Anon, Kern County CA)
I was just told today by my PG&E reader that there would be a “smart meter” installed on each gas and each electric unit, totaling 14 for my yard! For some reason I was under the impression that there would be one meter for the grouping. That was bad enough but fourteen is absolutely terrifying.
Has there been any comment or discussion on the additional hazards of so many units in one place? My bedroom is about 10 feet from the units. Do I have any recourse at all, that you know of, due to these special circumstances? My next door neighbor, on one side, is already coping with a seizure disorder, I have Lyme disease and there are health issues on the other side of my unit as well. Are there any attorneys around who are taking on this issue? (Anon, Sonoma County CA)
I have severe Electrical Hypersensitivity (EHS).  I also have severe Multiple Chemical Sensitivities.  I have been essentially homeless and searching for housing for 3 years.  I was doing ok in my temporary spots in Marin, where Smart Meters had not yet been installed.  I had to move to Berkeley, because I could not find another temporary place in Marin, and I’ve been here for 4 months.  My electrosmog sensitivity has gotten worse here, and I was finally clued in to the Smart Meter issue.  There are 2 Smart Meters 10 feet from my current bed (for this property) and 1 Smart Meter 30 feet from my bed (for the property next door
I am trying to move out of the East Bay, because the Smart Meters seem to be most fully installed here…
I’m very frightened, for my housing situation, because it was already so difficult to find safe-enough housing, with my chemical and electrical sensitivities, but now the Smart Meters make it feel nearly impossible.  I went all the way to Petaluma yesterday, by bus (I don’t own a car), and I found a chemically safe-enough rental, but that neighborhood already has Smart Meters installed on every house.  The houses are much smaller and closer together, than in Berkeley, so I think the radiation per house is higher there.  I was very discouraged to discover this. (S.B., SF bay area CA)
A woman, who requested to remain anonymous, called today and let me know she was able to have her Smart Meter removed. She called the PG&E Smart Meter line and told them it was urgent, and insisted they remove it. She also had a prescription letter from her doctor stating that she should not have a smart meter now or in the future. PG&E removed it. (Web Admin)
On January 15th PG&E installed the new Smart Meter on our home in Aptos.
I was not home at the time and had no idea it was installed.
I arrived home from a great workout at the gym feeling like the peak of health.
As soon as I got back home I started to feel horrible and had no idea why.
The first thing I noticed was the worst pressure in my head and ears ever.
Then my heart started to beat really fast and then my brain felt wired.
Within 15 minutes I started to get really dizzy, nauseous and weak.
Within 20 minutes my whole body began to ache like nothing I had ever experienced before.
When I got on my computer my whole face and hands started to burn and hurt.
My husband arrived home 30 minutes later and asked how I was and I said the worst ever.
He then said he was going to check the work out the electrician did and saw PG&E installed The new Smart Meters.
I then called PG&E in a panic since i was feeling so awful and filed a complaint and asked them to take it off right away since it was making me so sick.
Santa Cruz is not scheduled until July to get these Meters.
We left and went out of town and I felt better in 30 minutes.
When we arrived home Sunday I felt horrible again and could not sleep that night. I called PG&E first thing Monday morning and pleaded to have it taken off right away since I felt so sick form it all.
Monday night at 8pm a PG&E installer came and took it off and put an old meter back on. Within 15-20 minutes I felt 90% better.
I have been electrical sensitive now for 4 years and these form of radiation was the worst that I ever felt in my life.  T.D. Santa Cruz County CA
“I have lived in my home in San Leandro since November 2003, and have had two smart meters on my home (1 on gas, 1 on electric meters) since October 2008; and they are throughout my neighborhood since about that same time. I/we are now surrounded by a mesh network of pulsing extremely low emf (ELEMF). In May 2010, I had the signals measured by a local technician who had also checked my home in spring 2008 for possible EMF exposure that I suspected was causing me symptoms of vertigo and anxiety. I can provide a detailed report of his recent measurements showing the pulsing measurements and ranges of EMFs. Contrary to what PG&E has told me that these meters emit below the acceptable tolerable range of exposure, it’s the pulsing ELEMF that can interact with our body’s pulsing ELEMF and interfere with cellular communication. I believe I am having ill affects due to this technology being used, and have been seeking medical attention for symptoms of vertigo, the sound of my blood pulsing through my ears all the time while I’
m at home, hyper-arousal/ADHD leading to inability to focus or relax, interrupted sleep, pressure in my head between my ears, increased headaches; and less frequently, heart-racing anxiety, nausea, and shakes. I take really good care of myself, and do not believe that this noticeable decline in my health is due to me getting older.
I truly feel like I am in a microwave and slowly being cooked. Even my previously healthy houseplants have either died or have big brown spots, like burns. These strange effects have been occurring now for over a year, and it’s finally beginning to make sense.”
A.C. Bay area, CA
I personally experienced a smartmeter when PGE installed one on my neighbor’s home 25 ft away on May 7th, 2010. I did not expect to notice anything from one gas meter at that distance. However, I felt increasingly bad as the days wore on, with palpitations, irregular heartbeat, headaches, slight dizziness/weakness, emotional distress, anxiety and inner agitation, especially when on that side of our house. When I would leave to go for a walk out in the country, my headache would go away and I would feel better overall, but symptoms would come back upon return home.
I began to wonder if that one smartmeter could possibly be causing my symptoms, and even asked my neighbor if they had recently purchased any new electronic equipment (I wondered if it might be a DECT phone), but she said no.
Finally, in desperation, on May 22nd, I put a metal wheelbarrow over the meter (I had heard that metal stops much of the radio frequency (RF) radiation). My symptoms began to subside, and I was feeling better on May 23rd and 24th.
On May 24th, I was gone much of the day. Upon return home in the evening, I was feeling fine, and then worked for 2 hours in my office on that side of the house. All of the previously mentioned symptoms reappeared, and I was feeling despondent, even crying, as I went to bed. The next morning I learned that my neighbors had removed the wheelbarrow the day before while I had been gone, because PG&E had finally agreed to come out and deactivate the RF transmitter. That morning, May 25, 2010, a PG&E technician disabled the radio transmitter on the gas meter. I gradually began feeling better since then, although my heartbeat is still quite irregular much of the time. I am no longer getting headaches at home, and do not feel the emotional distress, dizziness or weakness.
I should mention that I am constantly exposed to some level of RF, since I live within 800 or 900 feet of the Sebastopol downtown cell tower, and can pick up 4 or 5 wifi signals in my home. Plus numerous nearby neighbors have “smart”phones or cellphones. We no longer have wireless of any kind in our home (since January 2010). Nor do we have fluorescent light bulbs or a microwave oven. I keep a cellphone in my car, switched OFF, and use it once or twice a month on speaker-phone for extremely brief intervals. I avoid places with lots of cellphones. None of these previous exposures prepared me for the onslaught of the smartmeter operating 24/7 next door, and I was very surprised at it’s strength.
For this reason I know that I cannot live in a neighborhood with smartmeters, whether or not they let me “opt out”. I am obviously more sensitive to RF radiation than most, but I am sure many others will be similarly affected. And many will have symptoms caused by the meters that they don’t understand or correlate to the meters. N.H. Sonoma County
In about late September I began to notice I was having some odd symptoms, including the following:
*Agitation*Memory loss*Inability to concentrate*Nervousness*Inability to get my work done,*Interrupted sleep, I felt as if I were becoming unhinged.
During the time between September and earlier this month my husband and son seemed agitated too. My husbandʼs blood pressure rose and he had to begin taking blood pressure medication. He was also experiencing sleep disruptions.
On February 25th and 26th there was a huge snowstorm here. During the storm I spent many hours in my living room, near my fireplace, about five feet away from the electric meter, which is installed outside my living room window. My right ear was facing the meter. My husband was traveling and my son was not at home for the same length of time that I was. The electricity went on and off several times during those two days. At one point I heard a piercing sound along with pressure in my ears. Along with the symptoms I had previously experienced, I began to develop worse symptoms, including the following: *Heart palpitations,*A buzzing-pulsing sound, especially in my right ear,*Agitation,*Interrupted sleep with nightmares of being attacked,*Accelerated heartbeat.  I was afraid that I would have a heart attack.
The symptoms would lessen when I went outside. It seemed that there was something wrong inside my home, perhaps with the electricity. Through research and talking to electricians, I began to realize that my symptoms might be traceable to something relating to the meters. They were the only recently installed appliances in our home with radio frequencies.
After many desperate phone calls to Con Edison, it removed the digital meters, but only after I presented a note from my doctor, upon which Con Edison insisted. In place of the electric meter Con Edison installed another electric, digital meter that it assured me emitted NO radio frequency…
Con Edison also told me that I would need in the future to provide it with meter readings. Con Edison told me that both my doctor and I would be receiving a follow up communication from its health department, which we never did.
Whether the people at Con Edison lied or did not know what they were talking about is a question that needs to be answered. This meter also had a radio frequency … I realized this when my symptoms got worse. I was truly afraid that I would have a heart attack. I became terrified in my own home and could not find a comfortable place to sleep, because the buzzing pulsing sound in my ear was so disturbing. Before all of this started I was a healthy 51 year old.
Again, after making many more calls to Con Edison, on March 4 they removed that meter from my house and replaced it with an analog meter (this is the same type of meter Con Edison had initially removed in June 2009).
My immediate responses were so remarkable that I recorded them.*Tingling in arms,*Legs felt very heavy,*The buzzing-pulsing became quieter.*I felt as if my body was weighted down with exhaustion.  Within hours I began feeling better. The loud buzzing-pulsing sound quieted down and my thoughts were less scrambled.
But my difficulties continued. In our home we have lived with wireless appliances, cell phones and fluorescent light bulbs for at least three years, and to my knowledge they have never been a problem for me. Now I cannot be near any of these things because I get a buzzing in my ears and my heart starts to race. The only possible cause for this change is that Con Edison placed meters emitting radio frequencies on and in my home in June.
Since Con Edison removed the digital meters and replaced them with an analog meter I am feeling better, but some of the symptoms have not gone away completely.
When I asked the Con Edison “Meter Relations”department (212-460-4111) if I could see a copy of the test results for human exposure to the frequencies in the meters, I was told that I must obtain a subpoena to acquire that information.
Con Edison also told me that the FCC had approved the meters. When I called the FCC, I was told that it does not address human health issues, but only with regulating frequencies, and the person with whom I was speaking hung up on me….
This could be a very dangerous situation. These meters are being used across New York State and the country. People might become sick from them and not know what is happening to them.
I am requesting that the meter replacement program be stopped immediately and that home owners be given the right to opt-out of receiving these meters if they do not want them, until further testing is done to learn the effects of the frequencies they emit, especially in combination with other frequencies to which we are already being exposed.
Thank you.
Michele Hertz
New York
I am Toril Jelter, a board certified pediatrician specializing in medical and environmental aspects of autism related illness. I have health concerns regarding the unbridled roll out of wireless technologies without adequate health studies before hand. Dear FDA/FCC, I request a moratorium on the Smart Meter roll out ASAP until a proper assessment of health effects has been conducted. Here are a few patient stories for your review: A 2 year old child can’t sleep at night. He screams inconsolably for hours. When the mother takes the child away from the SF Bay area to a remote area with poor cell phone reception the child sleeps well every night and naps as a normal 2 year old would during the day. A 40 year old man with MS & EHS (multiple sclerosis and electrohypersensitivity) requests no Smart Meter. His doctor writes a letter to support this request. It is granted BUT only temporarily! His 4 neighbors get a Smart Meter and he develops such severe ringing in the ears (tinnitus) that he is no longer able to sleep indoors. He discovers that the only way he can sleep is to sleep outdoors. (This could be explained by the cumulative effect of EMF in his home + the Smart Meters next door.) A 45 year old woman with MS has been stable for several years. After installment of a Smart Meter she goes down hill rapidly. Depression,flu-like symptoms and severe fatigue. Another woman with MS 50 years old improving. Gets a Smart Meter. Gets worse balance, worsening depression. Falls breaks 2 ribs and punctures a lung. A 10 year old child with high functioning autism gets a Smart Meter. His handwriting deteriorates. He seems more fatigued. He gets flu like symptoms frequently. Looses his appetite. Stops gaining weight. A 65 year old woman gets a Smart Meter, actually 4 at the head of her bed. (condo)She develops severe tinnitus, sleep disturbance, intermittent confusion, memory problems, heart palpitations and diabetes. PLEASE HAVE AT LEAST ONE PERSON READ AND UNDERSTAND
For anyone who wishes to fight the installation of a Smart Meter on their  home for medical reasons, I would like to share my own successful experience. I live in the San Diego area –most of us in California live very close to our neighbors homes, and unfortunately there is nothing to date we can do to stop installation of their meters.  However, nothing in The Telecommunications Act of 1996 prohibits us from complaining about health when installing a Smart Meter on our own homes. A “Smart Meter” is NOT a “wireless facility” [thus exempted from health concerns] and many of us will be/are being harmed by the unwelcome radiation in our homes. Do not let your electric company tell you otherwise. Tell them to very carefully read Section 704 of The Telecommunications Act of 1996 and ask how they would define a Smart Meter as a wireless facility – i.e. are cell phones wireless facilities? Of course not. It defies logic.  But be prepared, because that excuse may be attempted by your electric company. SDG&E tried it –unsuccessfully. Bottom Line: You do have a right to complain about health concerns, but be prepared to offer solid proof by way of a physician’s documentation.
When I heard SDG&E was going to install Smart Meters in Rancho Santa Fe, CA I did the following to prevent installation of a Smart Meter on my home.:1) I called and followed-up in writing with SDG&E corporate office,informing them that I had a heart condition that could be adversely affected by RF radiation. Anyone who is known to be electro-sensitive should have the same rights as those of us who have heart-related issues.
2) I got a letter from my cardiologist explaining that RF radiation has been known to alter heart rhythms. (But first I had to educate my cardiologist as to what a Smart Meter is and does. I am attaching two documents I took to my cardiologist.)
* Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 1997 ;70 (1):9-21 9258703
<> Exposure to extremely-low-frequency
electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency radiation: cardiovascular effects
in humans. [My paper] <,JR> J R Jauchem
* The 2002 letter from Norbert Hankin of the US Environmental
Protection Agency to Janet New of (then) The EMR Network [she is now head of
the EMR Policy Institute]. [My paper]Norbert Hankin’s revealing letter
indicates standards set by the US government in 1996 do not apply to
non-thermal effects of RF radiation. In other words, we are not living in a
world of protection; the non-thermal effects of RF radiation were not taken
into account when the regulations were established. “Safety standards”
were never set. “Safety” is a false assumption.
3) I made an appointment to see Gunnar Heuser, MD, PhD., in the Los
Angeles area. Dr. Heuser has long specialized in neuro-toxicology and is
widely recognized as an one of the top medical experts in this arena. Dr.
Heuser can objectively test a patient to document electro-sensitivity, and
if they are found to be electro-sensitive, he can write a medial report that
can unequivocally state one’ s health may be harmed by exposure to RF
radiation from a Smart Meter. I fell into this electro-sensitive category,
as have many others. Dr. Heuser is seeing more and more patients adversely
affected by Smart Meters. He can be reached at: (310) 500-0041. Dr. Heuser’ s address:
P. O. Box 2730, Agoura Hills, CA 91376.
4) I then sent letters from my cardiologist and Dr. Heuser to SDG&E’s
corporate office. I told them they could not place a Smart Meter on my home
due to health concerns. Additionally, I stated I would hold SDG&E legally
responsible if my health was further impaired by a Smart Meter.
5) The result? SDG&E did not install a Smart Meter on my home.
Susan Foster
Rancho Santa Fe CA
January 4, 2010
Ms. Susan Crane
Director, Meter to Bill Process
We Energies
231 W. Michigan Street
Milwaukee, WI 53203
Dear Ms. Crane:
My patients, Shivani Arjuna and her husband Dan Small, have asked me to write to you with regard to how Shivani is affected by exposure to communication frequencies and “dirty electricity”
frequencies. They are deeply concerned that placement of one of We Energies’ new, radio-broadcasting meters on their property would be harmful to their health, especially to Shivani’s. I share their concern.
People who are aware of experiencing symptoms as soon as they are exposed to radio (RF) and microwave (MW) frequencies are currently termed “electrically hypersensitive,”
or EHS. Shivani is electrically hypersensitive. However, these individuals are by no means the only people actually being affected by such exposure, as ample, rigorous research done over a period of several decades shows chronic exposure causes health damage to people who note no immediate symptoms. Please see, for example, the bibliography of reported biological phenomena associated with radio-frequency and microwave radiation compiled by the US Navy Medical Research Institute in 1971, with over 2,000 references., at: Also, please see the summary of EMF effects at: with 62 more recent references.
The immense proliferation of wireless technologies in the past few years has given rise to health problems that cannot be successfully treated medically, as medicine cannot remove the underlying cause, the exposure to radiation.
Safety regulations of various nations vary widely regarding what level of exposure is supposedly safe. Unfortunately, most countries’ regulations are still based on the old, inaccurate assumption that non-ionizing radiation is not harmful unless it actually heats body tissues. The fact that a given technology adheres to the present standards is meaningless in terms of its actual biological effects. Even an EPA spokesperson has stated that present U.S. standards are not protecting citizens from harmful radiation. Research shows harmful effects at levels far below what is presently allowed.
Years of research also reveal a broad range of symptoms and diseases caused by RF exposure. This is hardly surprising, as the human body functions electrically from the cellular level on. Attached you will find a list of conditions caused by exposure to RF and therefore termed “radio wave sickness.”
There are probably more mechanisms underlying the damage done to health by manmade electromagnetic frequencies than we are presently aware of. (To date, the mechanism by which smoking tobacco causes cancer is unknown.)
However, here is brief information regarding a few known mechanisms:
o It is established from multiple, independent studies that EMR from ELF to RF/MW reduces melatonin in animals and human beings. Melatonin is not only vital for healthy sleep, it is the most potent, naturally produced antioxidant that helps to protect cells from genetic damage that leads to cancer, neurological, cardiac and reproductive damage, illness and death.
o Exposure to intensities and field strengths that are extremely low cause a biological effect called calcium ion efflux. Calcium ion alteration of cells by EMR is linked to neurological degeneration, to cancer and many other health effects. The heart is also an electromagnetic organ, with an electric pulse initiating a cascade of calcium ions that cause the cells in the heart to contract and produce a heartbeat. Exogenous electromagnetic signals can interfere with this regular, electrical pulse leading to heart disease and heart attack of the arrhythmic kind.
o Physiological changes that are bedrock indicators of allergic response and inflammatory conditions that are stimulated by EMF exposures include: overreaction of the immune system; morphological alterations of immune cells; profound increases in mast cells in the upper skin layers, increased degranulation of mast cells and larger size of mast cells in EHS individuals; presence of biological markers for inflammation that are sensitive to EMF exposure at non-thermal levels; changes in lymphocyte viability; decreased count of NK cells; decreased count of T-lymphocytes; negative effects on pregnancy (uteroplacental circulatory disturbances and placental dysfunction); suppressed or impaired immune function; and inflammatory responses that can result in cellular, tissue and organ damage if exposure occurs on a continuing basis over time. Mast cells are also found in the brain and heart, and this might account for some of the other symptoms commonly reported: headache, sensitivity to light, arrhythmias and other cardiac symptoms.
o Many studies have shown that RF/MW radiation and ELF fields cause increased DNA strand breakage and chromosome aberrations.
As was concluded by the authors of the Bioiniative Report ( ), it is unwise from a public health perspective to continue “business-as-usual,”
deploying new technologies that increase RF exposures, particularly involuntary exposures.
Any company or industry whose products or operational methodologies cause involuntary exposure to RF radiation would do well to become more informed about these and other effects of such exposure, both to protect the public and to protect themselves from future liability suits.
Though it is no longer possible in today’s world to completely avoid exposure to communications frequencies, EHS individuals such as Shivani, need to live in a personal environment as clear of RF/MW as possible. This is recognized in Sweden, where the government creates safe working and living spaces for such individuals. In the U.S., EHS individuals have to do what they can to create their own safe living spaces. Certainly, these safe havens, on their own property, should not be denied them.
I have been Shivani Arjuna’s physician since 2002 and have noted how her specific symptoms and overall health have corresponded directly to her exposure to RF/MW radiation. Initially, she was experiencing incapacitating and life-threatening symptoms related to such exposure. At present, she is able to remain free of RF/MW exposure-induced symptoms as long as she remains in the safe home space that she and her husband have gone to considerable effort and expense to create. That she remains EHS is clear from how she responds to exposures when not in that safe environment.
It is my opinion that the placement of an RF-broadcasting device connected to the wiring on this property would be extremely detrimental to Shivani’s health and that it must not be allowed.
Such a device connected to their wiring, whether at or away from their house, would cause RF to be broadcast from the wiring throughout their home. I suggest the alternative of asking them to take regular meter readings from their present meter and call or mail these to you, with a We Energies employee checking the meter annually or semi-annually to ensure accuracy.
I look forward to your response and hope you will agree to this solution to ensure that Shivani’s health be respected and protected.
Roy D. Ozanne, MD, HMD

The following comments were made in reaction to a report issued by the California Council on Science and Technology. While the CCST's report claims that Smart Meters are safe, and that customers' utility rates will decrease, the following reactions to their claims suggests quite the opposite.
Maryann Simpson
Customer with Smart Meter
(916) - 714 - 3330
I have a PGE Smart Meter on one side of my house and a SMUD Smart Meter on the other side of the house. Since the changing out of the meters - I have constant headaches, fatigue and feelings of doom (depression?). After these meters were put on the house I developed 2 life threatening health problems. I would move if I could but do not have the means at this time. I would like to have these meters removed but the companies have made it apparent they do not want to change them back. On top of all this - they recently placed a cell tower probably 500 - 100 feet from our house. This is NOT just in my head - as when I leave this house and go somewhere else I feel fine. Thank you for allowing me to make my statement.
Soula Culver
Date: Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 10:10 PM
Subject: comment on the CCST report on smartmeters (January 2011)

To: Lora Lee Martin
Cc: Jenny Callaway,
Lawrence Cooper
To the authors of the CCST report on smartmeters (January 2011):
Your disregard for the real effect that smartmeters are having on people AS WE SPEAK shows a callous arrogance implying vested interests in preserving the status quo and a shallow understanding of consequences that are bound to ensue.
I am a contact person for people who are looking for help about smartmeters, and so I have received calls for help from many.Also I have met people at demonstrations and heard their stories.There is a segment of the population who are electrosensitive. You usually don't hear much about them, but I predict that you will be hearing more and more because I keep meeting brand new electrosensitives.
Now that smartmeters are sweeping the area, it becomes clear that there is a percentage of the population who develop symptoms rapidly upon exposure to smartmeters' radiation.
People who had never thought twice about electromagnetic radiation may suddenly begin having big problems. When they get away from this radiation (which is becoming harder and harder to do now), the symptoms go away. Most of these
newly sensitized individuals find that their lives have now changed in many respects; they have joined the ranks of other electrosensitives who can no longer use equipment that was previously part of their daily lives, and they cannot be in
proximity to wireless installations without suffering pain and impairment.
I hear people say "I never knew anything about smartmeters until this happened to me."
Seriously: people's lives are being ruined, people have had to sell their homes and do not know what to do. It is really impossible to overemphasize the seriousness of this situation. People feel as if they are being tortured, and I have been told that some are contemplating suicide. And yet, in your "report on health effects of smartmeters" you did not interview a
single person who is suffering.You chose to ignore the reality of what is going on. I know that you have already been rovided with ample examples and testimonials.
Here is a link to a vast collection of testimonials:
Here is a video clip with three more:
As you have ignored the feet on the ground reality of the situation, your conclusions on page 27 are valueless. Beyond that, thousands of independent studies clearly show a wide variety of non-thermal effects, down to cellular reactions ( has one database), and you have denied their existence.This will go down in history as one of the largest mistakes ever and you are contributing to that, and your names and reputations will be known by these actions.

Michael Justice

Environmental Hazards Consulting
(707) - 935 - 6322
Please help remove SMART METERS!! Demand an "OPT-OUT".
Smart meters are dangerous, and are causing serious, life-threatening, and long term health implications. The reports are WRONG, and INCONCLUSIVE.

A bank of Smart Meters, that emit radiation 24 hours a day, were installed on the wall of my home, and I have been severely affected with heart palpitations, non-stop ringing in the ears, shortness of breath, insomnia, and sleep interruption. I posted signs not to install smart meters, but PGE/Huntington Energy ignored.

There has also been interference on my tv, gas stove light and fan, phone, and my neighbors appliances, far away from the meters. My home is very small, so I am never more than a few inches, to a few feet away from the meters.It is devastating me in my own home. The reports that PG&E, and the FCC used are not adequate, or correct, nor do they have any data for the danger of long-term chronic exposures to non-thermal low frequency RF, in close proximity to our bodies. Hundreds of scientific papers support the fact that RF (radio frequency radiation) causes cancer, by breaking DNA, and interfering with the immune system. I cannot be near a microwave , cordless phone, or cell phone for these reasons, and as a consumer, I am able to simply not buy them. Smart meters have been forced on us, despite tens of thousands of complaints across the country. This cannot be legal, or allowed.

I have a heart condition, and am EMF sensitive, and yet despite many very futile calls to PG &E, and the CPUC, they refuse to remove the meters, nor replace them with the non-wireless analog meters that have worked perfectly for decades. This is unjust discrimination, and gross negligence not to allow an "opt-out" of any kind. ANd even worse, they are threatening to add double the meters to my home in the next days, or weeks. I was told that even with letters from doctors, and EMF specialists that they will ignore all requests to remove these dangerous meters. I do not now what to do, please do everything you can to stop this outrageous, and dangerous situation.

There is a bill, Huffman's AB 37 to help provide an "opt-out" of the smart meters, but I need help immediately, and there will be thousands of these types of problems, especially with out immediate intervention. How can a utility demand that our health, and the health of our families, and animals be exposed to 24 hour radiation, with no ability to say "NO"?!

Thank you
Micheal Justice, Esq.
Matthew Hutcheson

(707) - 826 - 1410
Since the "smart" meters were installed on my home I do not sleep well at all. It now takes me much longer to fall asleep and I wake up several times in the night not able to go back to sleep...whereas before smart meters I slept peacefully all through the night. I now also hear very high frequency noise which hurts my ears and gives me headaches. I've also been feeling spacey and out of it. As far back as I can remember I've been electrosensitive (I believe that's what folks call it). It is for that reason I choose not to have t.v., radio, wi-fi, and cordless phones in my home. I also leave all my appliances unplugged. Now that the "smart" meters are up on my home and neighborhood my body is being tortured w/ pain and sleeplessness. If this goes on much longer I will have no choice but to sell my home and move off the grid. Please help.
Jana May

SCE Smart meter customer
(951) - 760 - 6353
We had a Smart Meter installed about 3 months ago. I am extremely sensitive to RF and it's making me extremely sick. My home was my safe zone and now I have no where to go. I've already had to sell a home in 2005 when 2 cell towers were installed next door and I ended up in the ER from being so sick from them. My husband has been calling SCE & CPUC executives and nobody will return our calls or emails. SCE said they have no contingency plans for RF sensitive individuals. It's so bad for me that I can't even take our dog for a walk in my own neighborhood. How can they invade our personal property like this? I have cable TV and internet and I do not react to it. We have an RF/EMF meter and get no signals from cable. I would be OK if the electric meter was transmitted by cable. Our Smart Meter shows a dangerous spike every 15 seconds that is 5 times stronger then a cell phone that a SCE employee had when my husband showed him the high readings we are getting. The SCE employee had a RF meter also, but my husband researched it and it only averages the signal and does not record the dangerous spikes like our meter does. So of course it shows that they are within the "safe" limits. Please do something to do away with the wireless so I can have my safe home back. I can no longer go on vacations and stay in hotels, eat at restaurants, go to most stores and public places anymore because they all have wireless & wifi now. I went into my favorite book store and they installed wifi and I got so dizzy and sick that my husband had to hold me up to walk me out. This is my life now. Please help. Please contact me if you have any other questions. Thank you.
Here is also a link to other people with similar heath problems from their Smart meters. 
David Collling

(519) - 395 - 5194
I work with individuals that are sensitive to smart meters. I have had cases that the smart meter was on bedroom walls making people sick, headaches and sleeplessness. I have had cases that even when the smart meters were 60+ feet from the home affects on people were experienced. Very, very dangerous technology.
Jim May
Senior Quality Engineer
Abbott Vascular Medical
(951) - 223 - 2059
Smartmeters have ruined my life. My wife's 2 year illness was just starting to abate when the smartmeters were installed in my neighborhood. She started becomming quite ill again and there is no place to run. We can't move because every home in the area now has the meters installed. Life seems hopeless. My wife is dizzy and has major headaches 24/7 and every day they get worse. SCE made no provisions for those who are sensative to EMF and therefore they have placed my wife in hell and will not remove the meters. It is also affecting me. I wake up in the middle of the night when the days data is downloaded and I am now waking up with severe headaches as well (I never had a headache in my life before the meters). My wife and I have been experiencing sleep disturbances since the meters were installed. My poor wife gets only about 4 hours of sleep and I fear that this is going to kill her at the relatively young age of 55. I have conferred with SCE, EMF people and they are clueless or covering up. I have a small $60 meter that shows excessively high spikes of EMF every 15-20 seconds and yet SCE can't detect it with there several several dollar meters and they say that the meter only transmit hourly which is a lie. I think their meters don't show microblasts of EMF. I have read the internet where people in other parts of the country are experiencing the same thing so my meter is not flawed. I have checked at least 100 random meters as I look for a house and they all send a high level transmission blast at 15-20 second intervals. SCE will allow the old meters to be retained if you have solar pannels, but no way will they let you keep the old meters otherwise. I have contacted the top office of SCE and each member of the public utility commision and they all ignored me. These meters collectively are extremely dangerous and something must be done or many people are going to become ill. I fear for my life and my families lives. How can these things be installeld when no testing has been done regarding the long term effects. To combat the effects, I have applied several layers of aluminum foil on the inside of my walls which does help a little. I have also covered the meter with a metal cover that has SCE up in arms and is annoying my neighbors. Please do something to remove these meters. If you fail, then I doubt that you will be able to live with yourselves when the consequences become evident in the years to come.
Laurie Steese
Registered Nurse
concerned homeowner
(415) - 491 - 4914
After studying your paper on the impact of smart meters, I find areas that have Not been thoroughly researched. I understand you only compiled existing information, but I believe that there exists information that contradicts your conclusion that smart meters are safe.
I urge you to do more homework on this subject so the guilt of publishing this will not be on your consciences when you see people suffering from effects of smart meters. I have listened to many, many people describe symptoms of headache, sleeplessness, bloody nose, dizziness, and more after the installation of smart meters. I believe these to be precursors of very serious ailments, such as DNA damage, permanent neuron damage, cardiac and leaking of the blood brain barrier.
Smart meters are being installed in locations that are completely inappropriate such as on the outside walls of children's bedrooms or near other emf emitting devices. We do NOT have enough information about the dangers of these devices and we need a real, thorough study to determine the potential health risks to living beings. There are not enough benefits of smart meters to risk the health of humans or animals.
Thank you,
Laurie Steese RN 
Stephanie Thomas

retired Social worker for Contra costa county
(510) - 527 - 6062
From my understanding, you did no original research and did not conduct interviews of people who have become ill due to the Smart meters. I don't understand how you can say you have shed any new light on this looming health problem. I have met people who have become very ill after having the Smart meter installed. My doctor has such a patient. I myself had one minor incident while walking by a small bank of meters to a back yard apartment one evening . I had a circular "zap' on my left temple feeling like the size of a quarter, slept little that night, was confused the next day and had blurred and double vision and sensitivity to light. This was followed by irregular and rapid heart beats that i noticed while in bed and then vise like feelings on my head that sometimes would come and go and sometimes were like a constant migraine.Most of these symptoms, except the heart palpitations seemed to go away after a few days. I gather that this may or may not have been from a malfunctioning S meter or just bad luck to have been in its fire when I walked by. I don't have a S meter on my home and fear for that happening. I am a cancer patient and my son has learning disabilities.It has been shown that the RF effects DNA and effects children's behavior and ability to concentrate.
You have been sent from others many reports and research that you did not consider in your draft report, such as the bio-Initiative report, Cindy Sages 1/11 report and others. Upon reviewing the comments, reading the submitted material, you then need to redo the report. The health and personal costs to our State will be prohibitive if these wireless meters are not stopped.. Despite your ties to PG&E, you can still redeem yourselves. As one person at a CPUC hearing said " How can you sleep at night? ". By redoing this report you can help protect vulnerable children, adults, the fetus's, and the birds, bees and other life forms.
The FCC standards are outdated and harmful non thermal effects have been demonstrated in the research. Please do your job and call for the Smart meter program to stop. Thank you.
Patty Overton
(269) - 325 - 9177
Hello. I am writing because of my concern about the health risks to senstitive individuals regarding the Smart Meter.

I am extremely sensitive to electrical radiation/EMF/ELF and so is my daughter. I do not believe the installation of these meters will be good for the health of the public.

I urge you to please consider another avenue and do NOT install the Smart Meters.

With respect,

Patty Overton
June Wood

Sick Homemaker
(905) - 831 - 1526
I am extremely ill with a lung disease (MAC) which is keeping me in my home. I am an electrically sensitive person with a stainless steel screw in my tibia. It only takes small amount of electrical exposure for me to sense an electrical charge running down my legs. I have refused to have a Smart Meter put on my home, but the neighbours meter is right next to the chair where I spend my days. You will not find in my home Wi-Fi, cordless phones or any other electrical device that is not a necessity. Having just spent two weeks in Toronto General Hospital I can tell you that I had burns on my face just from the CFL bulbs so I kept my room in darkness. I have read enough on studies of the Smart Meters to know I could be affected by them. Help those of us who are EHS and get rid of these meters please. Thank you, June Wood
Judy Shutes

no affiliation
(707) - 928 - 9827
I'm a person who has compromised health and am electrically sensitive and will undoubtedly be harmed by the installation of a smartmeter which is currently happening in areas very close to where I live. I'm outraged and appalled that the information from the Sage Report, Magda Havas, Dr. David Carpenter, LLoyd Morgan and Sam Milham, amoung others was blatantly ignored. The over 2000 people who have written to the CPUC who are experiencing extreme reactions to the meters has not been addressed. The FCC current limits are for thermal effects only of a 200# man and do not take in account the non-thermal effects, the pulse and modulation of the spike from the meters and is ridiculously out of date given the current state from more and more cell towers, cell phones, etc. My 34yr old daughter who lived in a house in Larkspur became instantly sick after the installation of a meter on her home and was unable to sleep there after that. She was forced to move. How can a whole population of health-impaired people (2-30% currently) be pushed aside and doubted to the validity of their claims? Their symptoms are all the same and can be reported to have started after the meters were installed. Smartmeters are not just like WiFi or cell phones. They have a unique and very strong modulation and are blasting our bodies all the time! It's just outrageous that 25 cities and counties have not been effectively able to defend themselves. I have to avoid cell phone use, cannot tolerate WiFi and yet I'm being told that I have to accept radiation blasted throughout my home and neighborhood. Something's deadly wrong here!! Is citizen revolution our only choice to defend our homes and health? Why was this report so limited and skewed? Where are the patient advocates and their advice to this council, the FCC and the CPUC? Why are our FCC standards ridiculously low compared to other countries? Many, many people are catching on to the greed of the utilities, that the CPUC protects those utilities (NOT the citizens) and the only option we have is to accept this serious invasion into our homes or revolt - no legal help whatsoever. The only answer is to offer wired meters to those of us who need them for health protection and Without a ransom of charging us more - especially after we've had to accept a $2.2 billion debt that we didn't agree to. More and more people are becoming informed that there is really no benefit (especially green benefit) to the smart grid....just more profits for PGE. Any of us can reduce or energy use due to high bills and do...but what about the high bills - the appliances burning out, the very serious security issues? Why aren't we being heard? This will be the latest cigarette disaster with serious health effects being experienced 10 yrs or so down the line. We need someone to stand up for the health of everyone NOW!! This study is seriously flawed and just a crying shame. Why didn't you take the studies and experts I mentioned above seriously? I, for one, will be educating everyone I can reach with the information that these smartmeters are very dangerous and a complete trashing of our 4th Amendment freedoms.
Mary Maio

(831) - 635 - 5727
I have hyperacousis, a health condition characterized by an over-sensitivity to certain frequency ranges of sound. I can hear the smart meters ringing constantly throughout the day and night. The ringing loudness increased when the smart meters were put in my neighborhood, an area which also transmits my neighbors' Wi-Fis, local Cell Towers' and government data-carrrying radio frequencies. These frequencies I also hear. I am most concerned over what these vibrations are doing to my family's bodies and brains. Scientifically, there is NO PROOF that over long durations (months and years) that these data-carrying radio frequencies are SAFE. Non-ionizing rf signals can heat parts of the body. See "Thermal Aspects of Radio Frequency Exposure: Transcript for January 11, 2010" at the FDA website. Are smart meters proved to be SAFE by a certified health professional not funded by a telecommunications or government agency? Is it FDA approved? Is it regulated by the FDA? How? When?
Steven Halpern
Inner Peace Music
(415) - 789 - 8373
For the past several months, I've had problems sleeping, more headaches than ever in my life, and 'brain fog' resulting in missed deadlines. I had read that my unincorporated area of Sleepy Hollow(San Anselmo) was not due for installation til the end. In fact, I got my 'notice' to install two weeks ago. I immediately called to be placed on the DO NOT INSTALL list, which the PG&E rep cordially did.

SO IMAGINE MY SHOCK and surprise when I actually checked my meter and found that a SMARTMETER had ALREADY been installed. I called back, and another rep told me, "Don't worry; it's not hooked up." I then called back again, and was told by ANOTHER PG&E rep who told me, "Of course it's transmitting. We installed it several months ago !


Reseearch Note: Doubole Blind/ placebo factors. I experienced the health problems without knowing that SMARTMETER had been installed. Therefore, it is NOT a psychosomatic effect. And yes, I am electro-sensitive, and I want this SmartMeter removed ASAP.

Please REVISIT the NONthermal effects and the conclusions of "No Risk' that you published in your study. YOU may not notice effects, but I sure do! (Just like with cigarrettes, I was always allergic to them. Not everyone is, but that doesn't make the allergic problems any easier for people like me. Thank you for keeping and open mind. Steven Halpern
KT. Eckardt

(650) - 302 - 1080
I cannot imagine that we have come all this way in civilization to kill ourselves slow but sure with chromosomal, genetic, physical, and psychological damage just to hurry our end of days with smart meters we know are radiating every living thing and likely beyond the household it is attached to.

It takes upwards of 30 years to see the affect of new tech, so forcing people to be guinea pigs is inhumane if not illegal. Are we becoming a nazi, fascist state where everybody is sacrificed for the "good of the state". Mobile phones were foisted on the public with brain tumors as a possible side effect. How was this allowed?

My mother has a pacemaker. She doesn't have a smart meter on her house yet, and because if and when she is, I will stage a holy war media event. However, she has wireless cameras watching "caregivers." On occasion, her pulse which is set at 72, has gone up to 79. Only thing we can figure is the wireless signal is interfering. Her pacemaker is likely to be worse with a "smart" meter made by murderous dummies. Whoever created the smart meter, will end up it's victim, like Marie Antoinette with the guillotine. Karmic justice.

You people forget this is about human beings which used to be worth more than tech.

PG&E and utility companies are devoid of scruples, impervious to shame, and guilty of helping end the human species.
Steven Golden
(858) - 488 - 4256
On September 29, 2010 at least 4 Smart Meters were installed on my apartment building on the wall just below my Unit. That very day I woke up with a swollen wrist for absolutely no physical reason. I opened my front door and found the notice that the Smart Meters were installed.
My wrist and hand swelled so badly that I had to get a cortisone shot. Then, I got sick with sinus problems and a respiratory attack. One occurred after the other, and both conditions are still with me 3 weeks later. I have never been sick for more than one week in my entire life. I have heart palpitations and an erratic heart beat, along with insomnia. The latest affliction since the Meters were installed is Phantosmia, which I have never had before and will not go away.
I am EMF sensitive and these Smart Meters are ruining my health, my living conditions, and my life. We are being bombarded with Microwave EMF from these Meters from all directions without our knowledge or consent. Since I am EMF sensitive I have chosen to never use WiFi or any other wireless technology in my apartment. With these Smart Meters I have no say in the matter and I am being slowly tortured by SDGE and the CPUC. This is an outrageous intrusion into our lives and a danger to the health of everyone in San Diego and wherever these Meters operate. Those of us who are EMF sensitive have an early warning system built in and we know what these meters are doing to our health....
Ann Camel

(831) - 758 - 7383
My concern is with the installation of the meter data collection device. We have one that possibly serves the entire 2000 single family unit development located on a light pole on our street. The device emits a loud, prolonged humming noise in the early morning hours, which is a concern not only for possible health effects but also noise pollution and impacts on birds and other wildlife. 
Elizabeth Barris
(310) - 828 - 6808
I have become electro sensitive due to a cell tower about a block from my apartment. My neighbors are also suffering. There is going to be an uprising if the uninformed, involuntary exposure to this radiation continues. Although I support Rep. Huffman's initial efforts with smart meters, they do not go far enough. If I live in an apartment and opt our of a smart meter but my neighbor with a better immune system than I does not opt out, my neighbor's smart meter transmission still penetrate my walls and I am still exposed to my neighbor's radiation. Unless the smart meter is completely shielded so that no surrounding neighbors are exposed, they should not be allowed. Those who wish to irradiate themselves should be able to, but not while irradiating others who do not wish to be. Also, many drugs and chemicals are nullified when in contact with EMR, such as the breast cancer treatment of Tamoxafin. I have a neighbor with breast cancer and she is VERY worried about her neighbor;s potential smart meters, although they have not yet arrived to our area. And finally, my federal tax dollars have gone towards the roll out of this smart meter technology and thus, towards the job killing of all those currently employed by the water, gas and energy department who read meters. This job killing technology needs to be stopped in its tracks.
Troy Alexander

Yuba City Unified School District/homeowner
(530) - 919 - 2187
Had smartmeter installed two months ago. Both my girlfriend and I Have had unexplainable health problems including

Sinus Pain/congestion
Ringing in Ears
Rapid Heart rate
lack of concentration
Donna Avent
I don't like smart meter
(866) - 811 - 0378
Yes, Smart meter bother me because of hot spot on my right hand while I move my cord mouse. Smart meter bother my kidney.
Smart meter always on for 24 hours and 7 days.
I can turn off a cell phone or other wireless but You cannot turn off your Smart Meters for 24 hours and 7 days. Scary!
Sandi Aders

Victim of Smart Meter
(949) - 366 - 9456
To Whom it may concern,

My health was destroyed by a smart meter in Idaho. I was given no warning or help in discovering what in my environment was torturing my husband and me. Avista Utilities ordered an RF tech to do a sight survey of my home/property and REFUSED to give me the report.

I studied energy, biology, physics, sound, light, the frequency spectrum. I followed my symptoms for the answers. We finally fled our home because our bodies vibrated, our ears rang, we had burns on our faces, rashes, bodies that ached in every joint, bizarre dreams, insomnia, waking at the exact same time each night for weeks, our eyes would just open. Electric shocks, heart rate of 120 beats per minute while laying in bed, numbness in fingers and toes, left side of brain felt like it was being sliced. Ears would feel full and inflammed within 150 feet of a cell phone. The list goes on and on until I realized I had become electrically sensitive. My husband would take no more.

I found out about smart meters and reviewed my documentation and videos. Low and behold there was a smart meter placed on my home positioned directly behind our heads were we slept. Our ears began to ring Feb 14, 2009. I believe that the meter was placed on my home January of 2009. Of course Avista has lied about everything and claims that the meter was placed on our home in June of 2006. This is absolutely false.

I will spend the rest of my life telling this story of corporate evil, greed, and impunity.

Without any history in my family or my husband's he has been diagnosed with glaucoma, the high pressure readings escalated rapidly when the smart meter was installed. I am still in the middle of my diagnosis both doctors say that I have the scariest largest optic nerve heads they have ever seen without dialation. I need to be dialated still to complete my diagnosis.

No one will ever convince me that radiating me is safe, my life is hell and limited beyond what you could imagine.

Thank you for this opportunity to share some of my experience.

Sandi Aders
Ellen Lesli
(415) - 663 - 9595
I do not trust your findings because in REALITY many people are being harmed by the smart meters. There are many testimonials available on the internet since it is being supressed by mainstream media. I also will refer you to the report done by Cindy Sage Associates a truly independent company not in the pocket of PG&E. Aside from this people who are paying for utility service should have a choice of using hard wired meters or smart meters. There is a reason so many people are contesting smart meters and they should be listend to. We have control over our appliances at this point . With the installation of smart meters that are constantly pulsing we lose that control. In a true democracy we should have a choice of how we live our lives and if we deem something is harmful to us we should have the choice to opt out.
With the barrage of wireless towers and technologies more men are becoming sterile and many people suffer brain tumors.
A recent study showed that excessively elevated radiofrequency radiation levels pulse through homes & businesses where smart meters have been installed comparible to living within 200-600 feet of a major cell phone tower.Health impacts include neurological symptoms such as headaches, sleep disruption,tremors, cognitive impairment & tinnitus as well as increased cancer risk & heart problems such as arrythmias, altered heart rythms & palpitations.
Would you subject this to your loved ones?
Sudi Scull

EMF Safety Network
(415) - 282 - 8185
Your report is outrageously ignorant, out-dated and obviously tied to business interests within the public utility. Cutting-edge scientific evidence is all stacked against the non-thermal effects of microwave radiation whether it shows blood barrier to the brain dangerously opens up, male sperm count drops fifty percent and become motile, or finally DNA strands break apart causing cell mutation and cancer. I have researched studies from scientists all around the world and made long detailed presentations to the commissioners at the CPUC and the offices of Leno, Ammiano, Boxer, and Feinstein.

In January 2010 without my knowing it PG&E installed two SMART meters at my house. I experienced dramatic physical and psychological symptoms immediately. My symptoms were pronounced enough that PG&E responded quickly and took out my meters, as they yet insisted that soon it would be mandatory for them to be installed once again. 
Susan Parsons

former Brock University employee
(905) - 935 - 2950
I became very ill in 2006 due to 50+ cell phone antennas and wifi throughout campus. It got so bad that I was having seizures. I have not worked since but have not had any seizures since leaving campus.
I have a diagnosis of electrohypersensitivity from the Environmental Health Clinic at the New Women's College Hospital, Sunnybrook Hsopital, Toronto, Ontario.
Since 2006, I have practiced avoidance of EMF. I have basically been a prisoner in my own home because it is relatively EMF 'clean'. I can go out for short periods but not anywhere where there are high levels of EMF or RF. I cannot shop without becoming ill. I cannot use public transportation and even my own car exposes me to EMF. I live in a predominantly residential area so there are not many cell phone towers or any industry in this area.
I was at a stage in my recovery, where I coudl go out for longer periods and my recovery time from exposure was much shorter.
They put smart meters in my neighbourhood in the spring. I had requested that one not be put on my house and they didn't until a few months ago when they did it without informing me.
When the meters went on my neighbours houses my health started to slide backward. Nosebleeds, headaches, tinitus got worse, bladder control problems, pressue in my head, bladder control problems, sleep porblems etc etc.
Within hours of the meter going on my house my symptoms got much worse. I cannot think clearly, speak properly, fibromyalgia symptoms have re-appeared, heart palpitations and chest pain, vision has deteriorated and eye pain, blood sugar issues, lethargic, etc etc.
After 4 years of trying to get better my health has been put back about 2 years and is slipping even further.
This is not just a health issue. It is a socio-economic issue also. I cannot work. I may lose my house in the near future. I have almost lost it twice over the last year. I cannot sell and live just anywhere. I cannot live in a lower income property that has attached neighbours because of their EMF production. If I lose my home I will have no income to get another mortgage to buy a 'safe' place to live. I will become homeless and my health wll detriorate even further, forcing me to find refuge where I can away from sources of EMF and RF. I know of many many people who are fleeing their homes due to being EHS and are forced to live in wilderness areas as best they can. It is painful and debilitating. I am an adult. Imagine how this affects children. It makes me sick to think about it.
Smart meters are not the smart choice. They emit radiation. Radiation kills and maims and leaves people without coices. It takes away our basic freedoms to live the way we choose and without pain.
Barbara Schnier
(760) - 782 - 9963
We have two homes. I have neurological injuries that make me easily injured by emf and radiation. As acute as a peanut allergy some people have, but to radiation and emf. Neither of our homes have smart meters, we have had to fence in our yard to prevent it, but the surrounding houses have smart meters. I am so sick at our house in Apple Valley Ihad to leave my 87 year old mother alone when she needs my help. It is heartbreaking. Edison ignores my please and physicians letter and threatens to put in meter anyway.
Our other home in in San Diego rural area on 15 acres. Smart meters are on all neighbors properties, also ill there put less acute.

This makes it impossible for me to purchase a house or rent a house as I will be made sick by smart meters. Just driving down the road is painful, recently going in store, post office with smart meters get ill. It is frightening.

I have objective testing showing arrithmyias near these wireless signals. My physician said it is life threatening. I will be literally unable to tend my mother, move anywhere or exist in this state I was born in if this ill thought out program is allowed to proceed. Literature states 3% of the population is highly sensitive to emf and rf. That is 9,000,000 people this program will displace. This is truely crazy and using the population as lab rats with no track record of safety and unbelievable illegal conduct in attempting to implement this program. Violating Cal. Civil Code 52.1, 50, 1770, 1780, violating products liability law, tort law, constitutional law, Americans with Disabilities Act and on and on. How could this be happening in our country????????? 
February 18, 2014 · 9:24 AM
Editor: When BC Hydro installed nine smart meters beside our home in June of 2012, I became very ill. The radiation from these meters affects my balance, my speech, and has even deformed my nails.
We have taken steps to prevent the radiation from entering our home, but if our analogue meter is replaced with a smart meter it would increase electromagnetic fields in our home, which would make me very ill.
BC Hydro is charging us an extra $35 a month to read our analogue meter, but it is read only every other month. Sometimes our usage is only estimated and no reading is done at all.
They claim this monthly fee is for meter reader wages, truck expenses, gas, etc. They still come to read the nine smart meters, but will not read my meter at that time, even though they are standing right in front of it. They have moved the reading of my meter to alternating months to attempt to justify this outrageous fee.
How can our government justify engaging in such unethical practices? When did we lose our right to live free from harm in our own homes? One issue at a time, we are being led silently into oppression.

Christine Wikstrom,
Langley, BC
         E.B. Myers says:
They installed a smart meter yesterday. The first day they came out we refused it and asked them to leave. Two men returned the next day with the main supervisor. He told me all the info on the internet about smart meters was just lies and hype. I still refused the meter. The super told me I had 10 seconds to decide to have the meter installed or have the power shut off. He told me if I did not give them access to the back yard( where the old meter was located) they would cut power off at the pole and I had about 10 seconds to decide.
Are they (power companies) allowed to use this kind of coercion to achieve their agenda? I still do not want this meter and am fighting to have it removed ASAP.
 Linda J. Tillotson says:
Since a Smart Meter was installed on our house two years ago the following health issues have transpired. My step father died of lung cancer, my mother has severe headaches, tightness and pain in her chest, my brother in-law has loud ringing in his ears, my sister has insomnia, and I have depression, weakness in hands and arms, constant aching in all my bones along with bouts of insomnia. We want this meter taken off our house and I will do everything possible to make this happen.
Paula Fighting for our lives says:
I am 50- one small three pound dog died. I have headaches, dizziness, palpitations,scarey heart pains, blood clots, abnormal periods, tingling and itching of the scalp, facial pain, I feel like something is squeezing my entire body in to . It is awful I have fibromyalgia and arthritis before the meter, But now, I have worse, I fight everyday. It is awful. My husband has a hard time at night while asleep, and my grandchildren when in my home have terrible problems, even get wild at times. I do not know what to say or do. I have contacted my local electric company.
I ask you to join me in prayer to get something accomplished. And for God to call an advocate to our defense, a strong advocate if they do not listen to us.
I pray that it does not take another country taking is over, through the super naturalist of God Jehovah to stop them. They are destroying our temples. God is against this , very much so and as a Christian we all know this to be true.
Please pray that America does the right thing, quickly all over the nation.
My electric company told me we do not have a smart meter it is hooked through the electrical line that it is not wireless, same difference.
Same cause and affect, I assure you.
Please pray . I am praying with you.
Courtney says:
I am so relieved to have found this site. Im here in Maine and our community just began installing the new meters. I had symptoms before I realized it was on my home as well as most of you. The symptoms seem to be changing or revolving and include, sleeplessness, anxiety, feeling of being “amped” up through my body, tingling in limbs, dry mouth, feeling sick to my stomach, but never vomitting, heat on my facial skin, twitches, headaches, twinges of pain randomly throughout my body.
I chose not to opt out…we did recieve a notice fortunately, but I just couldnt have imagined this NIGHTMARE! It’s been almost two weeks and Im going to call CMP(our company provider) and complain to get my old meter back.
I feel so hopeless, defeated that smart meters will be all around me causing problems. I have increased sensitivity to wireless networks now…and well my job requires me to use a wireless laptop for hours daily…
People who dont know how bad this feels, just dont understand! …and for those who are involved with the installation, it is all about $$$. It always is.
Im so sorry to those of you whose lives have been turned upside down in this unbelieveable nightmare. How can we promote more awareness…? Fight this battle? People who dont feel the effects right now, are still experiencing radiation but…their bodies just arent in tune with their experiences like ours are. It’s a survival mechanism we have…like wildlife have…and there is nowhere to run 
Jeremy Hawes says:
I’m 30 and about 4 -5 days after they installed the smart meter (I rejected twice, but they snuck in my yard and did it anyway) I have increasing ringing in the ears and I am losing sensitivity in my hands and one of the my legs.
No head aches, though higher temperature fluctuations and problems sleeping at times.
Good gosh I hope this ends – I’ve even looked into other areas to temporarily move, but I’m not sure where doesn’t have it.
 Paul says:
The smart meter was installed and the symptoms started. After 10 months of headaches, insomnia, high blood sugar levels, tinnitus, memory loss, and feeling tired all the time SRP decided to let me opt out. It’s been off for over a month and the symptoms vanished the day they removed it. If you are experiencing these symptoms don’t delay getting the smart meter removed. It depletes the natural melatonin levels in your body and attacks your immune system due to not getting good sleep. I have found that since your neighbors have smeters you will get even better sleep if you turn the electricity off to your bedroom. You might want to have your bedroom tested for any other microwave radiation.
Naz Ma says:
Can some one tell us how to have southern california EDISON remove this device for us?
cathryn de gery says:
I live in a 472 sf small studio, there are 7 smart meters outside the wall of my bed. PG&E installed about a year ago, I recently am dying from the terrible headaches, woke up many times at night , with also very loud ring deep in my ear, consistently ring in my ear !!! I want to throw up all the time, very very tired, do not want to do anything, bad memory, I cannot believe I start to feel my heart is beating so heavy painful and just struggled to make it going. I went to see the doctor, I was told to move out of this room far away from smart meter as soon as possible. I contacted with PG&E, they told me that those killer smart meters are not going to be removed no matter what, PG&E is murder !!!! we need to do something about it in Goverment to get rid off this killer smart meter !!! I do not want smart meter damage my 6 years old child’s brain or any part of our body, please stand up to protect our own life !!! I live in los Gatos, Santa Clara , Ca. thank you for reading and need help !!!
Jaci in BC says:
I live in an apartment building with the smart meters somewhere in the basement, much farther than 6 feet away from me. However, I have experienced dizziness and disorientation, memory loss, and confusion sinced they were installed. Other symptoms are present as well, but only when I am in the basement of our building.
brenda heath says:
since smart meters i have dizzyness, i feel my balance is off center. and i have noises in my head, like a gun shot going off.
Lady A says:
Three months after a smart meter was installed on the house where I rent the master suite, I was diagnosed with severe depression and panic attacks. This came out of the blue. When I heard about the meter dangers, I went outside to see where the meter is, and it’s ONE FOOT FROM MY HEAD when I’m in bed. There is nowhere to move the bed. When I’m on my cordless phone, it clicks and crackles so loudly I have to leave the room. I have ringing in my ears on and off. I have lost 40 pounds from all the medications I’ve been given for the depression and panic attacks. As a 59-year-old woman working part time, I don’t have the luxury of moving right now. This sucks.

Oh, there are many more than 200, and I may post some more at some point, but this should be sufficient to suggest to you that "smart" meters are not a smart idea. Take care of yourself, your family, your friends, and your neighbors. TELL NEC ABSOLUTELY NOT. 

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